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Revision surgery is a general name given to the second surgery performed to people who have had any previous obesity surgery and have not lost enough weight or subsequently gained weight again, or developed stenosis in the stomach or reflux after surgery. With revision surgery, restart for losing weight, improvement at problems like reflux and stenosis at stomach is aimed.

Who Can Have Revision Surgery?

Anyone who has had obesity surgery before and who could not lose weight or gain weight again is a candidate for revision surgery. If there is a concomitant disease due to obesity, the body mass index should be at least 35, if not, at least 40.

What Type of Surgery Can Be Done?

While determining which type of surgery will be suitable for you, your doctor will consider some factors such as type of first surgery, the adequacy of the first surgery, and the person's eating habits. Many surgical procedures such as re-sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass, transit bipartition can be performed at revision surgery.

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